
Márcia Britto (b.1962, Brazil)


Marcia Britto was born in Brazil, where life is lived large... where emotions run free - like great, sweeping swathes of colour on a canvas. Like the intoxicating throb of the Samba beat ... the uninhibited revelry of Carnaval. But Marcia isn't like that. Her passions burn with a quiet, controlled, internalized intensity.

You see, Marcia was just six years old when her father died. An event that, of course, left a void in her life. But the little girl learned to fill that void with the tender love for birds and animals and plants which she shared with her grandfather, escaping from starched city life on frequent visits to the sprawling countryside of the province of Minas Gerais.

Marcia spent her childhood searching. When not seeking knowledge at school, she searched the forests and foothills, the wild places, for nature's treasures. She had an eye, even as a child, for objects that resonated with her spirit. Stones and bones, feathers, leaves, dried flowers and ferns were carried home and worked into boxed arrangements. Even seashells were wittily surmounted by miniature figures of sunbathers.

Later in life, Marcia wrote, "I find forms, textures and colours, as a poet finds words". This love of form, texture and colour led Marcia to study Visual Communication at university in Brazil, launched her career in advertising, animation and design, and later earned her a Bachelor of Fine Art and Design degree in Sweden. She also became a keen photographer. But as times changed, the ever-increasing technical intrusion of computers proved too abrasive for Marcia's fine sensibilities. So she forsook the commercial field and immersed herself only in fine art. For that, we should be grateful .

Marcia is often depicted holding a camera. That's because the camera symbolizes a way of seeing. You see, Marcia believes that our way of seeing, influences our way of being. Movingly, she once wrote, "My eyes look at you with expectation and curiosity". That reveals an almost childlike purity of spirit, a challenging trust, and an open, enquiring mind. "My eyes look at you with expectation and curiosity". Painterly poetry that leads to some thoughts about Marcia's two signature themes - Expressions. And Angels.


It's been said that no work of art is complete without three essential components: 1) The artist's concept. 2) The work of art itself. 3) An audience. So it's thought-provoking to entertain the whimsical notion that when you view any of Marcia's Expressions, you are not just looking at the sculpture or picture; it is also looking at you. Yes... looking at you looking at it - and so on. Never- ending new views, each of which completes the magic circle.

Two of Marcia's Expressions, sculpted in dark-grey stone, are not just very rare. They are unique. These two imposing works are the last of their kind that will ever be made. They are expressions of Marcia's determination to create sculptures in the hardest stone on earth - the renowned, highly prized Diabas... solidified lava from a Swedish volcano. It is virtually indestructable.

In diametrically opposite vein are the works comprising Marcia's other signature theme...

The glowing glass sculptures and vibrant paintings, incorporating real gold, are not just enchantingly beautiful; they're also deep expressions of the artist's pure, spiritual vision. Touchingly, and memorably, Marcia says, "I have no offspring. But each of my Angels is like one of my children, who is going to live in somebody else's home - and protect them."

New developmentsAs well as Marcia's internationally-celebrated Expressions and Angels, she has now embarked on bold developments, fresh subjects and new techniques that have sprung into being, inspired by Gozo, the tiny, tranquil island in the heart of the Mediterranean, to which she moved in 2011. Marcia Britto has never stopped searching.





My next solo exhibition . 2013 :


Saturday, September 28th at 6 p.m.

Gozo, Malta


Acrilic on painel 1990 self-portrait


Márcia Britto (b.1962, Brazil)

Márcia Britto has a vast repertoire from working with visual means of expressions. When still very young she participated in a children's programme about art and design on Brazilian TV. Her studies specialising in Visual Communication at Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais, led to the title Bacharel in Fine Art and Design in Sweden. After her studies she worked in advertising, animation and design in her native Brazil. Marcia's capabilities with images led to photography projects in the USA. In the 1990's whilst an active artist, she ran an artist group with several established artists in her atelier in Brazil. At the beginning of 2003 Marcia Britto moved to Sweden, obtained Swedish nationality and worked there for a few years. Then, from 2008 to 2010 she lived and worked in Switzerland and is now based in the Maltese islands, while continuing to exhibit internationally.

Early on in her artistic career and through the studies of life models and portraiture, her thoughts in simplification started. In this economy of line there were countless possibilities and the fundamental idea for the subject of Expressions was born. The face is the starting point in this theme of elementary features that are performed in various media such as etching, glass, stone and paintings with black ink on varieties of paper, sometimes hand-made by the artist herself.

In Expressions Márcia Britto works in a vigilant way to capture the essential in context. Balance, rhythm and well-judged proportions interact with the overall impression. The art works are bare and simplified. It is not the powerful and loud expression that the attention is aimed at but rather the subtle expression from the face that captures the sensibility with brush and ink. The observer encounters introvert, expectant and calm faces or faces with secretive smiles. The effect is great but with significantly gentle differences in their expression.

The pictures show as much sensibility as certainty. In this art there appears a plain ambition together with elegance and immediacy. It is the faces that fascinate in their simplicity. In some work there appears a red drop of glass which might bring love or blood to mind, but it actually associates beyond pain as an inspiration and force for creative expression. In Márcia Britto's work, sensibility and distinction come together in a focused hand with innovative brush work.

Inspired by her spiritual roots Márcia Britto began work on a new theme - Angels - where realms of gold, heaven and earth find their natural existence. Also here the artist works with simplified styles of design and small gestures that create great effect. In this glass universe, heaven and the underworld unite. The blue pigment leads the eye into eternal space and in the next second brings it back to earth. The red and brown pigment frames, encloses and protects. The Angels are made of gold. The material is loaded with associations where power, fortune and violence come together. These Angels, however disarm and convey a message of calmness and harmony. Here gold stands for shimmering divinity and purity. The glass object and the paintings create a tension where the angels are close but at the same time unreachable. In the paintings they are more tangible and physical. Body and soul unite.

adapted by Catherine Sinclair Galea
from observations by Swedish Art Critic Simon Berg


sef-portrat . 1990


Túnel do Tempo

Suécia, 2005. 
vista da varanda do meu quarto
  mar Báltico
sistema de aquecimento no máximo
 câmera fotográfica
final de outono
início de inverno
pôr do sol sempre assim




"Só conseguimos deitar no papel os nossos sentimentos, a nossa vida. Arte é sangue, é carne.

Além disso não há nada. As nossas personagens são pedaços de nós mesmos, só podemos expor o que somos"
                                                                               Graciliano Ramos
                                        (Carta à irmã Marilia Ramos, aprendiz de ficcionista, em 23.11.49).


new home in Malta

Márcia and Michael


Sparbanken 1826 - http://www.e-pages.dk/solvesborg/80/10

Exhibition  in Sparbanken 1826
Östra Storgatan 11, 293 34 Olofström, SWEDEN



studies of the topic Transition




"Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing more that can be taken away." 


some pictures of my exhibition in Switzerland



My next exhibition: Switzerland





Ekerum Art Gallery

Vernissage 1st April 2010
April - September 2010
Ekerum Art Gallery, Öland - Sweden


 da minha fase com câncer

passei por duas operacões
encontrei a morte
estive nua diante dela

estou superando










Collective Exhibition: Öland, SWEDEN

March 21 - September 29
Expressions and Angels


That was the day when I said goodbye to my art students, goodbye to my Studio and Gallery, and goodbye to Sweden. Left to rigth: Lisbeth, Rebecca, Berit, Åsa, Carina, Cecilia, Inga - Maj an me (sitting).






Collective Exhibition -Veberöd, SWEDEN

Romele Konsthal
2008 , May 10th to May 25th
I will show Expressions and Angels.


Art SoHo Gallery - Osaka, JAPAN

2008, May 20th to June 1st
I participate with my theme Expressions in paintings and glass and Angels in glass.


Art Magazine

Collective Exhibition: Veberöd, SWEDEN

March 21 - April 6
Vårsalong Romele Konsthall



My next collective exhibition: Stockholm, SWEDEN

I will show ANGELS in paiting. Márcia Britto


My next collective exhibition: - Osaka, JAPAN

"SoHo Art Collection"
Date: February 22, 2008 Time: All Day This event repeats every day until Sunday March 2, 2008. Type: Club Event (Public) Location: SoHo art gallery café Osaka, JAPAN

SoHo Art Collection: Artworks from Japanese and International artists . Marcia Britto, Suta Kesuma, M. Lanang, Jason Ferguson, Ross Wirtanen, and many more.


My next individual exhibition: Osaka, JAPAN


My next exhibition in Sölvesborg, Sweden

Marcia Britto Galleri

Lilla Skolgatan(In på gården) Sölvesborg


My next Individual exhibition. Åhus, SWEDEN


B L T newspaper by Janne Persson :

Nio elever hänger på lärarens konstgalleri SÖLVESBORG I fredags var det vernissage på Marcia Britto Galleri. Nio kvinnliga konstnärer ställde ut sina verk i akryl och olja. De nio konstnärerna är alla elever hos konstnären och läraren Marcia Britto. Under hösten har de träffats varje måndagskväll för att måla tillsammans. Resultatet av deras konststudier går nu att beskåda på utställningen. Fyra av kvinnorna började sina konststudier hos Marcia Britto redan för två år sedan medan de andra fem är helt nya. Men många av eleverna har målat på egen hand i flera år. Motiven varierar med allt från naturmotiv till frukter och änglar. Något speciellt tema för utställningen finns inte. Men det är tydligt att några av konstnärerna är inspirerade av Brasilien, Marcia Brittos hemland. En av dem är Carina Flodin. - Jag har inspirerats av en bok om Brasilien med fotografier i. Den fick jag av Marcia, säger hon. Sin del av utställningen kallar hon för Brasiliansk jord. - Framförallt är det den orörda naturen som jag är fascinerad av. Jag har rest mycket men har aldrig varit i Brasilien. Nu skulle jag gärna vilja se Brasilien och Amazonas regnskog med egna ögon, berättar hon. Utställningen består av ett 40-tal tavlor som kan ses på galleriet fram till och med den 24 november.


Márcia Britto Gallery

Photo /Vernissage:
fredag 2:a november kl.10.00 - 18.00 Varmt välkomna!


Allhelgonasalong 2007 Romele, SWEDEN

Expressions av Márcia Britto Vernissage lördagen den 20/10 kl. 10.00 -17.00.Under tiden 20/10 – 4/11 visar 36 svenska konstnärer upp sina alster i Romele Konsthall på Romelegården.
Öppet kl.10.00 - 17.00 alla lör- och söndagar samt onsdagar kl. 17.00 – 20.00
under perioden 20/10 – 4/11.
ROMELEGÅRDEN Dörröd 1041, 240 14 VEBERÖd 1041, 240 14 VEBERVEBERD Tel. 046-820 45


Márcia Britto Gallery

UTSTÄLLNING 6-27 oktober
Akvarellmålningar av
Bodil Fager och Marianne Jakobson
V E R N I S S A G E 6 oktober 2007 - kl 10.00 till 16.00 Lilla Skolgatan(In på gården)


Målarkurs i Sölvesborg

Márcia Britto Ateljé
Lilla Skolgatan (in på gården)
. Krokimodell . kroki för erfarna konstnärer
. Olja och akryl Måndagar kl 13.30 - 16.30 eller 18.00-21.00 Torsdagar kl 14.30 - 17.30
. Akvarellkurs / Lars Malcolmsson Tisdagar kl 13.00-16.00


Individual Exhibition in Kyoto, JAPAN

EXPRESSIONS Marcia Britto Date: 2007.07.31-08.05 12:00- 19:00 Place/Contact: Dojidai Gallery 1F, 1928 Bldg, Gokomachi-kado, Sanjo-dori, Nakagyo-ku Kyoto http://www.dohjidai.com/English/topE.htm http://www.anewcityguide.com/citylog/c?city=kyoto&area=


Gyllene änglar i himmelska glasgrottor

Márcia Britto
Foto: Gunnel Persson
SÖLVESBORG Guldtrådar i glas - det går inte”. ”Din glasängel blev inget”. Så lät de första kommentarerna Márcia Britto mötte då hon provade sin idé om änglar i glasblock. Men hon gav inte upp, och på lördag svävar de gyllene änglarna i sina blåa rymder på hennes utställning. Tidigare harMárcia Britto visat ”Expressions” - uttryck, och det är också dessa som finns på hennes övriga utställningar denna sommar. Men på vernissagen i hennes eget galleri, vid ateljén på Lilla Skolgatan, är det en helt ny värld som öppnas. En värld av änglar. – Jag började måla änglar förra året, men kände mig inte mogen att ställa ut. Så, när jag besökte Japan, upptäckte jag ett guldmaterial. I samma butik gjorde en man i ordning ett akvarium och jag fick tanken att använda guldet i glas. Men han sa att det inte skulle gå.
Márcia Britto ställer ut sina nyskapade änglar i sin ateljé i Sölvesborg. Foto: Gunnel Persson
Márcia lät sig dock inte nedslås utan köpte litet av guldväven, som finns blandad med silver eller 18- och 22-karats guld. ”Kasta den inte”– Det var dyrt, och jag köpte bara litet. När jag jobbade med mina ”Glasexpressions” i Strömsbergshyttan gjorde jag i ordning en sandform, blandade blått pigment i glaset och började processen. Glaset måste vila innan det kan gjutas så jag åkte hem. När jag sedan ringde och frågade hur det blivit sa de: ”Din glasängel blev inget”. Men jag sa: ”Kasta den inte!” Márcia åkte upp, satte glasblocket på en bordsspotlight - och voilá - där svävade ängeln i en blå glasgrotta. På glasbruket häpnade alla. – Jag visste det skulle gå! säger Márcia. Det är en nästan religiös upplevelse att först se det indigofärgade glasblocket med skrovlig, stenliknande yta och när ljuset tänds se ängeln sväva i en stjärnhimmel. En metafor: änglarna finns även om vi inte ser dem. Márcia ler lyckligt när hon visar sina änglar. Det är hennes alldeles egen upptäckt, och när hon fick klart för sig att det fungerar åkte hon tillbaka till Japan och köpte mer guld. När hon nu för första gången visar sina änglar är det en ny och spännande del av hennes konstnärskap. Glaset är hennes barn– Mina målningar kommer att försvinna med tiden. Men glaskonstverken är mina barn som kommer att finnas kvar för lång tid framöver. Utställningen har vernissage nu på lördag, den 30 juni. Nästa vecka är galleriet öppet varje dag under Killebomfestivalen och därefter varje lördag fram till mitten av augusti. För den som vill se Márcias ”Expressions” finns möjlighet att åka till Åhus, där hon har vernissage den 5 juli på konstgalleriet. Om man nu inte vill åka till Japan, där hon har vernissage den 31 juli. Carole Tärnudd Publicerad 2007-06-28 03:00