Kaffe com Arte
BADEN-BADEN 3:30 da tarde um café sem cigarro um outono vivo com cheiro de saudade com ilusão ternura ou não
Faroe Islands / 2004
I have been in Faroe islands two times. First, in July 2003 I went there by airplane. The airplane tried to land THREE times , there was so much fog, thunder and rain ! Because of this I could step down in Norway, the plane had to go the city of Bergen before taking off for a succesful landing. I stayed there 1 week and this was time my love put a ring on my finger.
Second I was there in 2004, also in July. This time I was taking the ferry to Island and I made a 2 day stop in Torshavn.
I found out about the islands by reading a book, "Paratii - entre dois pólos" from the brazilian writer Amyr Klink.
"Não tenho nada a ver com coisa alguma. Faço o que é preciso. Voluntariamente, tenho apenas me dedicado, com bastante sucesso, a viver 24 horas por dia. E, às vezes, um pouco mais. " Millôr Fernandes
My next individual exhibition