"Sigmund Freud suggest that ´the public´s real interest in art lies not in art itself, but in the image it has of the artist as a "great man". This confusion between the meaning of the art and the signicance of the artist as a model of ideal began with art history and itself, with Giorgio Vasari´s many-volumed Vite,
that is his Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors and Architects, first published in 1550 in Florence and enlarged in 1558. Initially modelled on the hagiography tradition celebrating the lives of the saints, artistic biografy was shaped by the varying contemporay influences of the period in with it was written. In the nineteenth century Romanticism and its offspring fostered the modern interest in what we would nowadays recognize as personality and the inner life, siggesting that art is a reflection of the person who produces it."
Giselda Pollock, 1906
Berthe Morisot
The First Lady of Impressionissm
Margaret Shennan
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